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40.1 The Internet has revolutionised the modern world; 40.2 Shopping online is better than shopping in the mall (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)


The Internet is an essential part of our life. Some people are convinced that the Internet has changed the typical world. However, others do not accept the fact that the Internet has brought progress.

To begin with, I believe in the great influence of the Internet on humanity. Firstly, it gives an opportunity to communicate with relatives who live far from us via video calling. For example, we can see their faces, emotions, and feelings. Secondly, a lot of people study at online schools, watching webinars. The Internet fosters educational development. Thirdly, it has simplified our life noticeably. For instance, we do not need to go shopping because we can do it online, avoiding crowds of people and saving our time.

Nevertheless, there are those who suppose that the Internet has no significant impact on humanity`s life.

They deny the progress made by the Internet. The reason is that it is useless in villages where the industry is not developed. In addition, my opponents claim that humanity interacted with each other earlier without the Internet via cellular communication.

Anyway, I strongly disagree with them. First of all, it is a matter of time in villages but the fact is that citizens enjoy the benefits of the Internet. Moreover, as I said, people can see each other, while mobile phones let them only hear voices.

Summing up, I want to stress that the Internet continues to impress people by developing things which seemed impossible to humanity a few decades ago.


Our modern life has become easy due to the appearance of the Internet. Some people are convinced that to make purchases online is convenient, while others believe that visiting a shop is preferable for them.

To begin with, I suppose that to buy goods in online stores is better than in typical shops. Firstly, it gives busy citizens an opportunity to simplify this process, making it fast. They do not need to waste hours on waiting. Secondly, purchasing goods online, people are free from searching for a space for their car in the shop`s parking. Thirdly, a man can use in-home buying if they do not want to go outside or they are ill.

Nevertheless, there are those who reckon that offline shopping is a brilliant solution for them. They consider it more reliable because they see the quality of the goods and can choose appropriate ones. Moreover, my opponents claim that sometimes it takes a lot of time to wait for the delivery.

Anyway, I disagree with them. First of all, some people do not worry about the quality of the goods. If something is wrong with the purchase, the money will be returned. In addition, there are rare cases when delivery lasts long, especially when a shop is situated in your city.

To sum it up, online shopping is becoming more popular with people at the present time.


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