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Smoking in public places should be banned пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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I want to tell you about the dangers of smoking, and the consequences of this bad habit. For the first time, tobacco products were brought to the countries of the Old World from America shortly after its discovery. Native Americans smoked tobacco through pipes, and Europeans adopted it without realizing the dangers of smoking.

Smoking leads to the development of three major diseases with a fatal outcome: lung cancer; chronic bronchitis and emphysema; coronary disease. 90% of cancers are caused by tobacco smoking. When smoking 20 cigarettes a day for a year, a smoker receives a dose of radiation corresponding to the dose from 200 x-rays. And according to statistics, a smoker lives an average of 10 years less than a non-smoker. I believe that just because of these statistics, you need to quit smoking or not start at all.

In addition to the obvious reason such as health hazards, smoking has many other downsides. For example, bad breath, yellow teeth. The worst thing about cigarettes is nicotine. It is these ingredients that, when they enter the internal organs (from the oral cavity to the bladder), cause malfunctions in their work and initiate the development of tumors.

Оценка эксперта:

Грамматически и лексически верный текст, однако Эссе в задании ЕГЭ должно содержать 2 позиции "Некоторые люди считают так, а другие люди считают иначе", в данном тексте присутствует только одна позиция

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