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Smoking in public places пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people are convinced that smoking is one of the most pressing issues in the modern world.

In fact, smoking is very dangerous for human organism. Some people strongly support this idea but others consider this to be not such a good idea.

As for me, I totally agree with this statement. Firstly, smoking in public places is quite selfish from the side of smokers. For example, sportsmen, who like to work out outside will not get any benefit from their activity. Moreover nicotine fume will cause irreparable damage on their health. Secondly, there are a lot of people with chronic lungs diseases, for whom even a small amount of nicotine can be threatening. And finally, there are a lot of animals, trees, birds except people. Smokers little by little poison the environment, gradually killing the nature.

Opponents of this view argue that smokers are held captive by their own habits. In their opinion it is almost impossible to suppress the desire and get rid of the pernicious habit.

Personally, I do not think they are right. First of all, I believe that there are many alternative replacements in the modern world that do not hurt as much as common cigarettes. Furthermore, if you weigh all the pros and cons, you will understand that maybe you should not smoke after all.

Needless to say that smoking in public places is incredibly dangerous for everyone around. And after consideration this problem, I am sure that it is not worth of it.


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