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Boys and girls should study separately at different schools (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

11 из 14
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Nowadays, there are different opinions about single-gender and mixed education. Some people consider that single-sex schools are more appropriate, while others think that schools should not divide both boys and girls.

In my opinion, children should study in co-educational schools. To start with, pupils in mixed schools can develop team working skills with the opposite sex. The experience of co-working with the other gender is extremely important in the modern society, which may be instilled only in co-educational schools. In addition, mixed schools give an opportunity for more effective learning because genders are often competing between each other. Consequently, students are more driven to achieve better results through competition, whilst in single-gender schools there is no chance for the rivalry of boys and girls.

However, there is another opinion.

Some people think that in single-sex schools students learn more efficiently. Girls are not embarrassed with the opposite gender as well as boys, thus, they can develop quicker because children often make a better progress in a comfortable environment.

These people are right to some extent, but I still cannot agree with them. Schools should mirror the real world. Both girls and boys need to build their communicative skills, which would leads to a successful career and personal life. Single-sex schools do not provide opportunities for that.

In conclusion, despite the opposing opinion, I am convinced that education of boys and girls should not be separated, because pupils need to adapt to the social life in schools, which is possible only among the opposite sex.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 3 балла

Коммуникативная задача успешно решена.

К2 (организация текста) – 3 балла

Текст построен логично и верно разделён на абзацы.

К3 (лексика) – 3 балла

among the opposite sextogether with the opposite sex [Исходная фраза звучит неточно и нуждается в исправлении (не «среди противоположного пола», а «вместе с противоположным полом»)].

К4 (грамматика) – 1 балл

1) should not divide both boys and girlsshould not divide boys and girls [Слово both здесь лишнее, поскольку делает фразу грамматически неверной];

2) in the modern society, which may be instilled – in the modern society and can be instilled [Следует переделать фрагмент указанным образом, чтобы включить в предложение идею пользы от совместного обучения в качестве ключевой идеи, а не дополнительной и второстепенной (именно об этой второстепенности свидетельствует запятая в исходном варианте текста)];

3) genders are often competing between each other – genders often compete with each other [Неверно выбрана форма времени, а также использован неподходящий предлог];

4) for the rivalry of boys and girls – for a rivalry between boys and girls [Неверно выбран артикль, а также использован неподходящий предлог];

5) embarrassed with the opposite gender – embarrassed by the opposite gender [Необходимо поменять предлог];

6) are not embarrassed with the opposite gender as well as boys – are not embarrassed by the opposite gender, and neither are boys [Выражение as well не используется в отрицательных предложениях];

7) make a better progress – make better progress [Желательно опустить артикль];

8) which would leads – which would lead [Окончание поставлено ошибочно].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 1 балл

1) Nowadays, there are different opinions – Nowadays there are different opinions [Запятая не требуется];

2) with the opposite gender as well as boys, thus, they can develop quicker – with the opposite gender, and neither are boys. Thus, they can develop quicker [Рекомендуется разделить одно протяжённое предложение на два во избежание путаницы со знаками препинания].

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