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Should boys and girls study separately at different schools or not?/ Pleasant study (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

All people are trained at school. The issue of gender has always aroused strong emotions and hot debates. Some thinks that boys and girls should study separately.

To begin with, a person lives in a society and is a part of it. Society cannot consist entirely of one particular gender. For example, young man wants to have a job in firm where working as mеn like a women. If a person was study with people of only his own gender, then it will be difficult for him to understand and interact with the opposite. Also, the friendship that appears at school with the opposite sex can be stronger and more sincere, because the opposite sex, in my opinion, will appreciate each other more.

However, some people think that while studying together, people of different genders will be distracted from their studies by each other.

In their opinion, this may impair academic performance.

As for me, I cannot completely agree with the opposing opinion, because when a boy and a girl do some kind of work together, the result may be more successful than the work of a boy and boy or a girl and girl. They may have fewer topics of conversation, so they focus more on the task.

All in all, in the modern world there are different schools and if a person does not like something, he can change the school.

In modern world all people strive to get a good education. The issue of getting an education has always aroused strong emotions and hot debates. Some thinks that the most important thing for a teacher is to make studying enjoyable for students.

The educational process should be pleasant for both the student and the teacher. First of all, if teacher is makes studying enjoyable for student, then the pupil will better remember the lesson material. For example, teacher can show a short video films, which will help learn the material. Also, pleasant study is support favorable environment in the team. Let us say, the teacher will not raise his voice.

However, with this approach, some relax and do nothing. As it seems to them the teacher becomes soft and they may not listen to him. Discipline gets worse and this is bad for learning.

As for me, I cannot completely agree with the opposing opinion. All people a different and you can find an approach to everyone. If you are an experienced lecturer then it will not be a problem for you to make learning enjoyable without losing discipline.

All in all, we live in in a developing world where education is part of daily life. I think, that make studying enjoyable is very important.


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