Schools don't prepare teenagers well enough to be adults in the modern world. Do you agree? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)The issue of how well teenagers prepare for adulthood by studying at school is controversial. Some people claim that schools are bad in teaching students real-life skills, whereas others disagree. In my opinion, schools do not make teenagers ready to be adults as well as they should. To begin with, a multitude of schools is not equipped enough to teach teenagers basic everyday tasks such as cooking or car maintenance. What is more, students do not get knowledge about paying taxes, bills, renting flats, etc. Finally, almost no school has tolerance, sex education, psychology, or vocational guidance classes. However, many people believe that school is able to give teenagers essential experience. First of all, teenagers socialize in school, they learn how to work in groups and to make friends. Besides, school helps teenagers broaden their horizons, learn about the world around them. Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot share it for several reasons. As for the first point, too often teenagers have to find out how to communicate with others by themselves. People who could not build relationships successfully in school and who are bullied for this often struggle with indecision, fear of expressing their opinions, and of being themselves as adults. As for the second point, teenagers often do not know whether the knowledge they get under school pressure is practically useful or not. It can lead to loss of interest in getting further education as well as to strong feeling of dependence on other people's instructions. To sum up, schools do not prepare teenagers well enough for life after graduation. Only little knowledge schools give will be close to adulthood, there are many things teenagers have to learn by self-education. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): ranunculus.acris Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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