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Some young people believe that while at school we should concentrate on studying; others think that working part-time has many advantages. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some young people claim that we have to pay attention to our studying process at school, whereas others think that working part-time is more beneficial.

To my way of thinking, concentrating on studying at school is much better than working part time. Firstly, students can prepare for the exams at school which they take before the graduation. They allow pupils to enter the university and then find a good job. It will be better than a part-time job which students do while studying at school. Secondly, if they have a job, they will have less time for rest and get exhausted.

As a result, students can find themselves under stress that is not good for their health.

However, some believe that combining working part-time and a studying process is more appropriate than just studying at school. A job helps people get money. It may provide them with extra pocket money. Furthermore, this job gives a chance to engage in something. There is no point in sitting at home.

Nevertheless, I disagree with this point of view. After working part-time students become tired and cannot concentrate on studying at school. Moreover, they cannot gain much money because this kind of work is not high-qualified. Pupils also need to have some time rest at home. They are not robots.

In conclusion, I can state that studying is much better than superposing part-time jobs with it. It gives a chance to pass exams to find a good profession and have time for studying. I hope that my point of view is understandable for everybody who has read this text.


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