Hobbies for teenagrs (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)Оценка эксперта внизу It is not exaggeration to say that hobbies can diversify a life. I have found some information on what pastimes are the most common among youngsters. In this project I am going to comment on several key features of the result of the poll. Looking at the details, blogging appears to be the most popular hobby with 66, 1 % finding it to be very fascinating. On the contrary, the least preferred activity is dancing. It was named by much less than two tenths of those questioned. According to the data in the bar chart, cooking is a more popular hobby as there are 46, 2 % of respondents voted for it, which is almost twice as many as the figure for painting. Another striking feature is that both designing memes and cooking are equally exciting pastimes for adolescences. The difference between figures stands at about 8%. One issue that can be connected with teenagers` hobbies is that quite a lot of youngsters have a difficulty to find a suitable activity for themselves. However, there is a possible solution to this problem. Teenage girls and boys can join various clubs at school. It can help them to make up their mind what a hobby they want to be engaged in. In conclusion, I am convinced that there is a great number of pastimes adolescences may stick to. However, their hobbies should not only bring satisfaction and enjoyment but also broaden teenagers` horizons. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Ekspert Внимание! Спасибо за внимание.