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I’m going to do a project on hobbies in different countries. Could you help me? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

. . . I’m going to do a project on hobbies in different countries. Could you help me? Do you think that different nations have different hobbies? Can you give examples? What interesting hobbies do Russians have? What hobbies do members of your family have?

As for the latest news, I have just passed my last exam. . .

Write a letter to Edward.




Dear Edward,

I’m so glad to get your letter. Sorry that I couldn’t write you earlier as I was abroad.

You asked me about different national hobbies. I think that every nationality has its unique hobbies. For example, Japan is known for complicated origami paper images and Spain is the motherland of traditional football.

ussia is not an exception to it, many

ussians adore having sauna during winter seasons and skating, playing hockey in the nearest neighborhood.

Especially my granny is fond of sauna and my little brother is an amateur hockey player.

egarding your exams, were they difficult or easy? Did you pass them well? What exams did you pass?

Sorry, I need to go, my tutor is coming.

Write back.



Words: 127




Dear Edward,

I’m so glad to get your letter. Sorry that I couldn’t write you earlier as I was abroad.

You asked me about different national hobbies. I think that every nationality has its unique hobbies. For example, Japan is known for complicated origami paper images and Spain is the motherland of traditional football.

Russia is not an exception to it, many Russians adore having sauna during winter seasons and skating, playing hockey in the nearest neighborhood. Especially my granny is fond of sauna and my little brother is an amateur hockey player.

egarding your exams, were they difficult or easy? Did you pass them well? What exams did you pass?

Sorry, I need to go, my tutor is coming.

Write back.



Words: 127


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