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Public libraries are becoming less popular (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

When people visit libraries the level of liferacy grows in the country . In the past centuries the libraries were very popular. However, nowdays the interest has become very widespread. Consequently, books can be accessed from home. On the one hand, it leads to the closing of libraries, bot on the other hand the ones online acquire more popularity.

I thing that labraries will never be closed. Many of the elderly visit labraries because they are used to going there. In addition, these institutions have special atmosphere. Many libraries provisw the internet connection so people can wor efficierty. Above All, the computers can damage the users' eyes sight and pesture. Thus, they will never be able to replace real books.

Nevertheless, there is another opinion : libraries will soon disappear.

In cimpfrison to last country, people now have more advanced technology. People can learn something from the video ar internet. Furthermore, they can listen to audiobooks. In addition, many library books are very old . They fall apart and their pages fall out.

I disagree with these arguments. I think that audiobooks will never replace paper books. Reading is more effective and useful than video or audiobooks because reading develops logical thinking/ Also, the very old library books are historicaly important and rare.

In conclusion, one can say that the libraries will probably not lose their popularity. They are part of culture, which is not replaceable.


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