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The Internet is the biggest evil of time example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, the problem of the impact of the Internet on people cause it's a great discussion and controversy. Some people consider that the Internet only brings problems on people's lives while others are convinced that it has a good influence on every human.

In my opinion, the Internet does not do much harm to the modern society because it is very useful. Firstly, due to the Internet people can find a lot of information for their jobs or studies staying at their homes. Secondly, the Internet gives people an opportunity of shopping online which is faster, cheaper and more convenient than going to shopping malls.

However, there are people who have the opposite opinion. They believe that the Internet is the biggest evil in their contemporary world because the best majority of people now prefer chatting with their friends through the social net.

Therefore, they can lose their communicative skills in real life. Moreover, due to the internet pupils at schools can cheat during the exams and it can lead to a lower level of knowledge.

Despite my respect for the opinion mentioned above, I cannot share it. I think that people can communicate with their friends via the video calls which are very similar to the life contact. I also believe that in many schools video cameras for monitoring children education are installed. As a result, pupils have no opportunity for cheating.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are two different opinions on this problem. I am inclined to believe that the Internet is not the biggest evil in the modern world.


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