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Graduate should take a gap year before entering university (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Recently there has been a lot of discussion about school graduate should miss a year before starting study at university. Some people believe that it is necessary to take a free time after leaving school to be certain in your choice of education, whereas other think that it is waste of time and one must start the next step in education immediately after graduation.

In my opinion, the person, who ended the school studying, had to take a year without continuation of learning process. Firstly, a free time can be very productive as one can do the best to improve their knowledge of main subjects. Secondly, a lot of school leavers can try theirselves in chosen profession and understand if they ready to devote the whole life to that job.

However, some people hold an opinion that students had to aspire to immediately continue education after school.

They believe that a free year can be harmful for graduates. They will refuse from idea of getting university education. For example, a school leavers can try themselves in different professions in a gap year and they can become fascinated with this life style and forget about higher education. For example, the sooner they start learning, the sooner they get good job.

I am afraid I cannot agree with the opposing opinion, however convincing it might be. A gap year is necessary for many school leavers most of the time. The mistaken choice of profession can become a big disappointment in the future.

In conclusion, I emphasize that missing a year before entering university is a controversial issue. Nevertheless, I am certain that take a gap year before starting study at university is an essential part of good education and it is a great opportunity to spend that time as productive as possible.


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