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Summer is the best time for self-education (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The issue whether summer is the perfect time to learn something new provokes many arguments. Some people claim that on summer holidays a person should relax while others argue that everyone can spend this period with a benefit.

In my opinion, there is no better time for self-education than summer. To start with, this season is warm, so one can study outdoors. Fresh air and sunshine influence people’s mind in a positive way. The refresh environment makes one’s brain feel motivated to take in brand new information. In addition, a person can be creative in the studying process in summer. It is time for experimentations with schedule and ways of getting knowledge.

However, some people believe that a person should take a rest on holidays.

They are convinced that a school year is full of stress and disappointing situations. Summer is the best time to get rid of negative emotions and to forget about studying at all. There are many pleasant activities that one can do in summer and not to overload the mind.

I cannot agree with the point of view mentioned above. The main reason is that there are a lot of free hours in summer, so a person can combine rest and learning. It is not necessary to be hard-working in this period. One can relax, walk with friends on the location and find some time for self-education.

All in all, I am still convinced that self-education on summer holidays has many cons. In this period one can diversify the process of studying and enjoy spending the time outdoors.

263 words


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