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Why am I proud of my country? (Школьные сочинения)

I born in Russia and live here all my life. And I really proud of my country, its history and culture.

The Russian Federation is the biggest country in the world. Its area is more than seventeen millions square kilometers. This is why Russia have a lot of natural resources. Its stock are contain 35% from the world one. For example, our water resources get the first place and contain more than 20% of the Earths store. Also there are almost every mineral on Russian area and mining of some of them takes the leading positions. I proud of our resources because it can be used to improve humans living conditions all over the world.

The history of Russia started in 9th century A. C. It includes about one hundred wars and most of them are victories.

In total Russia fought about 489 years. The most important are wins in WW1 and WW2. Both of these wars were very hard for Russia. All humans: children, men, women, old men were ready to protect our fatherland from enemies. Great generals as Kutuzov, Zhukov, Suvorov led our army in these wars. The wish to save the peace in the world helped our solders win. All of them are heroes and I admire of my compatriots.

The culture of Russia is culture of tens different nations and ethnic groups. People with completely dissimilar customs lived next to each other for many centuries. They all contributed to the cultural development of Russia and left in it part of their traditions and history. I’m really glad that my country is the place where all humans can live in safe and comfortable conditions.

Anyway, Russia is my fatherland. I live here and I proud its achievements. And as real citizen of Russian Federation I will work for the future of my country.


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