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Fluent in a foreign language person can easily teach it (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

We live in the world in which the problem of arranging teachers of foreign languages has great arguments. Some people think that a person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily teach it while others suppose that he should be more educated. Where is the truth?

As for me, I believe that a person who really wants to be a teacher of foreign languages should be educated for that difficult work. So that I do not share this kind of view.

First of all, to teach foreign languages you should have pedagogical preparing, that gives him much practice and relevant programs.

Secondly, a person which is just fluent in a foreign languages doesn’t know any special program, that can be relevant for pupils. Students should be studied by a clear program.

Anyway, we have another point of view on this issue. Some people think that foreign language fluent person can teach it without any problems. Firstly, the person knows many tricks and secrets that live in a language environment. Secondly, it’s more easy for him to practice a language with a student.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot share it because well-educated person can know many useful things of language either and having great practice skills too.

In conclusion, I would like to say that pedagogical education is a huge benefit for a person who wants to teach anyone and work confidently.

This is an essay for an English exam.

This is an essay for an English exam.


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