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Singing can help in learning foreign languages example пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

To begin with, i should say that nowadays there are a lot of ways of learning foreign languages. Some people believe that singing and learning lyrics can help to improve our language skills, while other people think that this way is not effective. Let us speculate on this topic.

Speaking about me, I personally believe that learning foreign songs is very helpful. I am going to present some arguments proving my point of view. Firstly, to my mind, when we read the text of the song we find unknown words and look up their meaning in a dictionary to remember them. Secondly, in my opinion, we memorize the correct pronunciation while listening to the song.

However, there are people who take the opposite point of view. According to their opinion singing is a waste of time and there are more useful ways of learning languages.

They think that people cannot learn grammar, spelling and enrich their vocabulary when they sing.

ut I do not agree with their opinion. Despite the fact that when we listen to songs we cannot learn grammar and vocabulary rules, we can improve our other skills. Listening to songs helps to hear the speech of foreigners and their accent, remember slang. As the result of this, a person will be able to communicate with foreigners in the future.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are many opinions on this topic but I am sure that singing is a helpful method of learning languages.


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