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Singing can help in learning foreign languages (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is no doubt that we have diverse ways of learning foreign languages nowadays, one of which is singing. Nevertheless, some people claim that singing may be extremely helpful if you want to learn foreign languages, while others hold an opposite view.

In my judgment, singing along to your favorite songs or melodies may definitely contribute in learning a language. To begin with, one may take his or her pronunciation to the new level by singing because this process makes them repeat the words they hear correctly. In addition, official report admits that a numerous number of learners of foreign languages find it much easier to memorize new words, phrases and collocations while the actual singing. Consequently, singing along to songs is a good opportunity to enrich your vocabulary.

On the other hand, there are individuals who choose to believe that singing is a complete waste of time and effort when it comes to learning a language.

They say that there are various kinds of songs, not every of which are written in an appropriate way.

To a certain point, it is right, but I still think that singing is a quite productive way of learning foreign languages. I strongly believe that most people are able to find and choose songs with no negative context on their own so their further learning is not affected.

To conclude, it should be said that singing plays an important role in learning foreign languages and although some songs are inappropriate to listen to, singing along to other ones may contribute in improving your speaking, listening skills and pronunciation as well.


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