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On-line education – good or bad (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, the Internet is an integral part of life. Most people cannot imagine what they would do without it. Not everybody shares this attitude, though, being unable to accept such innovations.

In my opinion, getting knowledge online is much more convenient in many respects. Firstly, students do not have to attend educational institutions, as it has become possible to study without leaving home on individual schedule choosing the most productive hours of the day. Secondly, very often, schools and universities have rather tense atmosphere, and this can have a negative effect on students’ mental health because there they are exposed to constant stress and pressure from the people around them.

However, there are those who think otherwise. They believe that studying offline is the best option for getting an education, since studying online you are separated from other people, which means that it will be make socialization hard in the future.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with the above argument though I have to admit that it makes some sense.

As a rule, modern video messengers allow online students pretty efficient contact in social nets with those who study similar disciplines and do not have any problems communicating with others in person if necessary.

To sum up, I am definitely sure that studying online is much better than traditional education, as it saves a lot of time and allows to take into account personal preferences. In addition, one does not feel permanent anxiety, which might be the case with studying offline.


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