Shopping is interesting and enjoyable 2021 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)The problem of spending money has always aroused sharp discussions in society. Some people believe that shopping is the most exciting thing to do, while others think we should care less about purchases. I am convinced that shopping is not only entertaining but also beneficial to one’s mental health. Firstly, doing purchases can help you to spend time with pleasure. If you have some spare time, shopping is a great opportunity to fill up your time by buying various things. While you are looking through goods, you are easily losing track of time. In addition, shopping has a positive impact on one’s spirits. When someone buys either simple household products or things that a person has been dreaming of for a long time, the human brain releases feel-good hormones. That is why purchasing makes everyone happier. However, other people may think differently. They claim that shopping is non-essential, as there are much more interesting things to do. You can spend time with even more pleasure with your family or friends because they can give you true positive emotions. I am afraid I cannot agree with this statement as I think not all people have friends or family members to have fun with. That is why shopping is a great enjoyable activity, which makes you feel better, even if you make purchases alone. To sum up, I believe that shopping is not only vital but also pleasant and exciting. Moreover, it is a pleasant way to spend your free time.
There are 249 words.
Plan of the essay: 1. Introduction (вводное предложение (обобщающее), перефраз темы). 2. Your personal opinion (два-три аргумента и их раскрытие). 3. Opposite opinion (один-два аргумента и их раскрытие). 4. Your arguments to the opposite opinion (Ваше мнение и его раскрытие на противоположные аргументы). 5. Conclusion (обобщающий вывод). Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Рената Хасанова Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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