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We are going to visit Moscow in September. Решу ЕГЭ письмо 284 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)




Dear Ann,

I’m so glad to get your letter. Sorry that I couldn’t write you earlier as I was abroad.

As for the weather in Moscow in September, it can be really changeable and unstable. Sunny and warm days are at the beginning of a month, while cold and rainy ones stand for the end of it. So, if you come in the end of September, you’ll definitely need warm coats. As for fruit variety, I guess your Mom will be able to find apples, bananas, oranges, grapes and etc.

egarding the sightseeing, I recommend your family to visit the Kremlin,

ed Square in a week, being one of the most honorable

ussian sights.

egarding your favorite food, what is your favorite cuisine? Do you admire a Japanese or Italian one? Do you like eating exotic fruit?

Sorry, I need to go, my tutor is coming.

Write back.



Words: 132

Dear Ann,

I’m so glad to get your letter.

Sorry that I couldn’t write you earlier as I was abroad.

As for the weather in Moscow in September, it can be really changeable and unstable. Sunny and warm days are at the beginning of a month, while cold and rainy ones stand for the end of it. So, if you come in the end of September, you’ll definitely need warm coats. As for fruit variety, I guess your Mom will be able to find apples, bananas, oranges, grapes and etc.

egarding the sightseeing, I recommend your family to visit the Kremlin,

ed Square in a week, being one of the most honorable

ussian sights.

egarding your favorite food, what is your favorite cuisine? Do you admire a Japanese or Italian one? Do you like eating exotic fruit?

Sorry, I need to go, my tutor is coming.

Write back.



Words: 132


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