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Virtual Internet communication results in losing real-life social skills.+ письмо вопросы про aunt and uncle’s visit (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Virtual Internet communication results in losing real-life social skills.

Nowadays, the topic of spending time on the Internet is very popular. Some people think that online communication leads to losing communicative skills in real life .Definitely, not everybody agrees with this opinion. Some people consider that virtual Internet communication does not result loss real-life social skills.

In my opinion, communication on the Internet leads to losing natural social skills. Firstly, people get used to express emotions with the help of emojis and it leads to lack of real emotions in real life.For example, people do not laugh but they send laughing emoji. Secondly, users of Internet just text messages, they do not talk with each other, as a result they become not interesting, boring and silent in real conversations.

However, many people believe that virtual communication does not result in losing real-life social skills. They think that it is impossible to lose natural social skills because people live in community, they have to interact with each other almost every day. Internet communication just changes the way of talking.

I cannot agree with the above mentioned opinion. I consider that virtual communication leads to loss real-life social skills because people text a lot of abbreviations, emojis and they just forget normal words. They start do not understand how to communicate in real life without convenient virtual conditions like coping text, T9 and other.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that communication on the Internet results in losing real-life social skills.




Dear Nicole,

Thank you for your recent letter. It was great to hear from you again!

In your letter you asked me about the media. I get news from social networks and sometimes newspapers or TV. I watch some news programs and read news almost every day, but I don’t listen it. In my opinion, news is very important and interesting things because it is necessary to know something new about our world.

So, what about your aunt and uncle’s visit? Where will they stay? What will you do with them? How long will they visit you?

Take care and keep in touch!

Best wishes,



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