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Taking a gap year after school is necessary step for every teenager (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, more and more people are choosing to take a year off after school, but not everybody shares this attitude though. It is sometimes considered that it is just a waste of time.

In my opinion, taking a break after school is a good idea. Firstly, school graduates do not always make a proper choice of their future profession due to the lack of time for thinking it over carefully. A period of one year usually gives this opportunity. Secondly, after school many students have absolutely no physical and mental energy to study or work further, so it is reasonable to give them a year to recover.

However, there are those who think otherwise. They believe that after such a long break, students forget a lot of what they have learnt at school, and this can have a negative effect on preparing for a future career, as it will be very difficult for them to absorb new information.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with the above argument, though I have to admit that it makes some sense. A year off does not mean that school leavers stop doing anything at all. Most of them continue to develop and increase their knowledge being out of school studying the information on the direction they plan to choose .

To sum up, I am definitely sure that taking a rest before choosing an occupation for future life is a necessary step for everyone because it gives a chance to avoid making a mistake. In addition, it is quite reasonable for school leavers to restore their shape and psychological condition.


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