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Online learning will soon substitute face-to-face instruction (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

7 из 14
Оценка эксперта внизу

Online learning will become a replacement for face-to-face studying soon. Some people are convinced that education in the virtual world is more comfortable than usual teaching at school or university. Yet, others disagree with them.

In my opinion, education in a simple class is better. First of all, students often get distracted, sitting in front of computer. There is zero chance for that when they are in a place of study. Secondly, it is easier for a teacher to give information, when he sees faces of pupils. Finally, students cannot copy their tasks, staying in a class. There are a lot of ways to do it, learning online.

However, a lot of people are sure that education in the virtual world is more convenient. In their opinion, when a person studies at home, he or she has not to spend time for a ride to a place of study.

A human only need to turn on a computer and connect to the internet. One must admit that any subject can study online despite the illness or other reasons to play truant a simple lesson. It is always possible.

I disagree with that position because when a person goes to a place of study, he or she can do something useful. Secondly, I believe that most people realize that when a man is sick, he need to relax.

To sum up, despite all reasons why online learning can be more comfortable, I consider that it will never substitute face-to-face studying.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 2 балла

Все аспекты эссе автором раскрыты, но, на мой взгляд, следует поработать над аргументацией, чтобы она смотрелась более весомо и убедительно. К примеру, не соответствующими действительности кажутся доводы о невозможности списывания на школьных занятиях и об абсолютном отсутствии на таких занятиях отвлекающих факторов. Необъяснённым остаётся довольно любопытный аргумент о желательности визуального контакта учителя с учениками (также не учитывается возможность организации такого контакта при помощи современных технологий).

К2 (организация текста) – 3 балла

Логическая организация текста нареканий не вызывает. Абзацное деление корректно и соответствует смысловой структуре текста.

К3 (лексика) – 0 баллов

1) usual teachingtraditional teaching;

2) education in a simple class – education in the traditional classroom;

3) sitting in front of computer – sitting at the computer;

4) zero chance for that – zero chance of that;

5) they are in a place of study – they are in an educational institution;

6) when he sees – when he or she sees / when they see;

7) copy their tasks – copy their answers;

8) staying in a class – staying in the classroom;

9) spend time for a ride – spend time on riding/going;

10) to play truant a simple lesson – to play truant from a usual/traditional/ordinary lesson;

11) when a man is sick, he – when a person is sick, he or she / they.

К4 (грамматика) – 1 балл

1) sees faces of pupils – sees the faces of pupils / see pupils' faces;

2) he or she has not to spend time – he or she does not have to spend time;

3) A human only need to – A human only needs to;

4) any subject can study online – any subject can be studied online;

5) despite the illness – despite an illness;

6) he need to relaxhe or she needs to relax;

7) despite all reasons why – despite all the reasons why.

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 1 балл

1) get distracted, sitting in front of computer – get distracted sitting at the computer;

2) to give information, when he – to give information when he;

3) copy their tasks, staying in – copy their answers staying in;

4) to do it, learning online – to do it learning online;

5) connect to the internet – connect to the Internet.

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