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Some people think that in the future traditional shops will disapear and all shopping will be online with home delivery (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Internet is an essential part of our lives. Nowadays online stores are becoming more popular every year. The issue about where to buy better is controversial. Some people think that in the near future people will buy all things they need online. However , others consider that online stores will never substitute conventional stores.

Personally, I think that online shopping is of many advantages. First of all, making purchases is not time — consuming. A person should not spend a lot of time to buy something online, since one does not need to leave the house. Moreover, in online stores prices are lower than in traditional shops because online stores do not need to rent a space and to have a large staff.

However, others reckon that shopping online is more preferable because it has various advantages, one of which is an opportunity to see a thing in reality and understand whether it is needed or not. In online shops customers cannot hold an item in their hands and check it.

Nevertheless, I still stand my ground. I think that many online stores provide customers with the opportunity to return the thing if they are not satisfied with it. A person only needs to pay for the delivery.

To sum up, I firmly believe that shopping online is more expedient. It is quite possible that after a while all shopping will be online, taking into account, how fast the economy and market relations are developing.


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