To get a good education one should go abroad пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)Nowadays, opinions about the place to get a good education vary. Some people consider a foreign country to be the best place to get a good education.However, others disagree with this point of view. In my opinion, one ought to go to a foreign country to obtain a good education. To begin with, in foreign countries, there is a different approach to learning, which may differ from the approach to learning in your native country. This approach is aimed at developing personality, soft skills and creative problem-solving. Such skills will help you realize yourself in life and find a lucrative job. Besides, studying abroad broadens your horizons, because you meet new people with different cultural backgrounds who have different outlooks on the world, therefore you can learn new things from them and become a more rounded person. Nevertheless, there are people who believe that it is much better to get education in the native country. They claim that a person can avoid challenges connected with the language barrier, therefore, education in the native country will be more efficient and profound. However, I disagree with the above stated opinion. I strongly believe that studying abroad will help you improve your language skills, as you will immerse yourself in the country's culture and be surrounded by people who speak this language. To sum up, I am convinced that to get a good education one ought to go overseas, because it gives you a good education and broadens your horizons. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Оксана Боркова Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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