To get a good education one should go abroad (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)Nowadays studying abroad is becoming increasingly popular especially with teenagers. Some people believe that to get a good education you need to go to another country whereas others claim that studying in homeland is much better. In my opinion, if you want to get a high-quality education you definitely need to go abroad. I have some reasons to support my point of view. Firstly, studying in another country is good for developing your language skills as it gives you an opportunity to completely immerse yourself in a foreign language. Only studying abroad may help you to improve your foreign language skills so well. Secondly, studying in a foreign university gives you a great chance of gaining experience in communicating with people who have alternative cultural background and spent whole their life in a completely different environment. The ability of cooperating with people wherever they are from is a very important skill. Finally, studying abroad may help you to have better job prospects because employers will understand that you are not afraid of challenges as finishing a foreign university is not an easy task and definitely not every one is qable to accomplish it. However, there are those who argue that it is not necessary to go abroad to get a good education. They say that it is unreasonably expensive to study in a foreign university. Nevertheless, I cannot agree with my opponents' opinion. Many foreign universities provide grants for students who focus their energy on studying and achieve good results so it is possible to study for free if you are hard-working enough. In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that opinions may vary, yet I firmly believe that to get the best education possible you need to study abroad because only this experience will make you a multi-skilled person. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Polina/ Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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