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Traveling broadens our mind (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there is a popular opinion that travel broadens the mind. At the same time, many others believe that travel can not do it. Today I want to express my points od view on this theme.

I hold te view that travelling is one of the best popular hobby of people. It is the best way to discover different countries, cultures and nations. What is more, when you travel you can meet a lot of interesting people. Additionally, you have to learn foreign languages to communicate with and understand them better. Thus, learning languages expands our horizons.

Nevertheless, there are people who assume otherwise. They recon that it does not need to travel for exploration our planet. First of all, you can learn languages, using a computer and special books without leaving your home.

Moreover, one should ignore the fact that some people travel to places where they have already been to, and they do not want to go somewhere else. So, a person who is going to visit a Turkey for the 5th time, will not broaden his mind.

I strongly disagree with the above mentioned statement because, reading books, you will never see the beauty of our amazing world, its sights, architecture and people. Human remembers only their

feelings. All information technologies never will be able to convey emotions from natural landscapes.

Taking everything into account, I am convinced that travelling is vital for people as it expands their outlook and makes them more educated. Yet it is still a personal choice!


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