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40. Travel broadens the mind (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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Travels have become a hot topic for debate in recent years. Some people claim that they are valuable for mind, while others hold an opposite view.

In my opinion, travels are essential in our life now. I believe that they can improve our cultural experience and influence our worldview. Firstly, when we travel we explore a lot of new things. For example, country's culture and language.

If you do not develop your brain, you won't be interesting for anyone you can meet. Secondly, when you travel you can have a lot of new acquaintances around the whole world. They tell you about something toy don't know and you're becoming more intelligent. Finally, If you want to broaden the mind, you need to take up something new, for example hobby you have never done before. And travels can show you them.

However, some people claim that travels are just a waste of time and money. They consider that they aren't worth efforts. In their opinion, we can broaden our mind by other ways.

Personally, I do not agree with the above mentioned opinion. I consider that everyone who can travel should do it.

ecause If you don't travel, when you are old, you will regret about it.

In conclusion, although there are different opinions on this issue, I still believe that travels need efforts, but they worth them and can make you happier for a long time.

Оценка эксперта:

K1- 0 баллов. Поэтому задание целиком оценивается в 0 баллов.

3 нераскрытых аспекта.

3. Точка зрения оппонентов

However, some people claim that travels are just a waste of time and money. They consider that they aren't worth efforts. In their opinion, we can broaden our mind by other ways.

Аспект не засчитывается, автор ушел от темы.

4. Контраргумент

Personally, I do not agree with the above mentioned opinion. I consider that everyone who can travel should do it.

Контраргумент не может быть засчитан, так как и не опровергает позицию оппонентов и, естественно, тоже не по теме.

5. Заключение

In conclusion, although there are different opinions on this issue, I still believe that travels need efforts, but they worth them and can make you happier for a long time.

Вывод не по теме.

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