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A person who is fluent in a foreign languages can easily teach it пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

12 из 14
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Some people claim that a well-spoken language speaker is capable of teaching a language. However, others say that they can't do it effectively. Now I would like to express my opinion regarding this issue.

As far as I am concerned, a fluent person cannot teach a language with no effort. To start with, to successfully teach somebody the language you know it is fundamental to have certain teaching skills. Secondly, not every eloquent speaker is willing to teach a language as it is not something they are used to nor it is something they want to dedicate their time for.

Nevertheless, some people believe every fluent person is a teacher. They affirm that, as a fluent person is almost a native, he can teach some basics or even some advanced grammar, for instance.

Furthermore, they infer that it is easy for them and they can dedicate some of their time and teach anybody.

To be honest, their arguments do not convince me whatsoever. Even if a person is practically on the same level as a native speaker is, teaching is still a hard job since you have to explain every little aspect of the language. Moreover, it is not easy, it is incredibly hard for people that have no patience towards inexperienced learners to share some of their knowledge.

Taking everything into account, I would say that fluent people need to hone many teaching skills and be willing to help novice learners so that the learning process is efficient. Otherwise, there is no way they can help learners in reaching a certain fluency level.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 3 балла

Объём работы составляет 264 слова, стилевое оформление корректно (за исключением сокращения can't в первом абзаце). Все основные аспекты задания получили глубокое освещение.

К2 (организация текста) – 3 балла

Текст отличается логичной структурой, правильным делением на абзацы и наличием организующих высказывание слов и выражений.

К3 (лексика) – 2 балла

Использованная лексика соответствует высокому уровню сложности и демонстрирует качественную подготовку выпускника, его умение довольно точно и лаконично выражать те или иные оттенки значения.

1) dedicate their time for – dedicate their time to;

2) they affirmthey state / claim / think / consider [Слово affirm подразумевает публичное заявление о правдивости чего-либо];

3) he can teach some basicshe or she can teach some basics / they can teach some basics [Использование местоимения he в таких случаях считается сегодня некорректным].

К4 (грамматика) – 3 балла

nor it is something – nor is it something [Требуется инвертированный порядок слов].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 1 балл

1) to successfully teach somebody the language you know it is fundamental – to successfully teach somebody the language you know, it is fundamental;

2) it is not something they are used to nor it is something – it is not something they are used to, nor is it something.

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