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Graffiti is another form of expressing art (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Urban growth has given birth to a new way of visual communication - graffiti. Some people say that graffiti is a

new kind of art while others call it vandalism. So, who is right? Let us examine the problem more closely.

I strongly believe that graffiti is undeniably a modern expressive art form. First of all, it shows individual visions of artists and their inner world like any other art. Besides, in our developing world it is getting harder and harder to impress fastidious public, but the works of street art always catch our attention and successfully show social problems in metaphorical forms. On top of that, graffiti makes old constructions more interesting and attractive.

On the other hand, there are people who think differently saying that graffiti is not more than vandalism and breaking the law, which exerts bad influence on adolescents.

The above-mentioned arguments are convincing enough and yet I would like to challenge then. I still insist that graffiti is a form of artistic expression. Today there are a lot of legal spaces for street art. As for teenagers, parentship affects their behaviour more than graffiti.

To put everything in a nutshell, I would like to say that any activity which leads to self-expression and provokes a lot of debates can be called art and graffiti is a perfect example of that.

225 words


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