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Computer games teach us nothing exemple (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays video games have become more and more popular. Some people emphasize numerous advantages of computer games while others are sure in their uselessness and negative effects. So, who is right? Let us examine the problem more closely.

I strongly believe that video games teach us a lot of beneficial things. First of all, there is a large number of educational games for children and adults. Besides, while playing computer games we become more digitally literate and improve our foreign language because most games are in English. Moreover, some video games develop our brain, logical and strategic thinking.

On the other hand, there are people who think differently saying that computer games are total time-wasters, which do not teach us anything.

They also say that children play video games all day long and forget about real life. On top of that, computer games are full of violence, which makes children psychologically unstable.

Nevertheless, I cannot subscribe to this point of view. I still insist that computer games can provide us with some knowledge. Although they occupy a lot of time, they can teach us time management and self-control. As for violence, I suppose the main problem is not in violent video games but in young gamers’ mental health.

To put everything in a nutshell, I would like to say that computer games can be educational and we should choose them wisely. Wasting time or learning something useful depends on us.


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