Reading fiction is becoming less and less important for teenager пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)It goes without saying that reading fiction was one of the most popular kind of entertainment among teenagers for a long time. Some people claim that reading this kind of literature is becoming less important for adolescents, while others argue that fiction books are still interesting for young minds.
Personally, I think that books with a fiction plot are not an essential part of modern teenagers’ life. Firstly, teens prefer watching TV instead of reading books. A young person do not want to sit for hours and read chapters when he can easily turn on the television and watch a brightly colored movie. Secondly, the internet provides different kinds of entertainment. Adolescents have an opportunity to chat regularly with their friends and to play different kinds of computer games together. These entertainments do not require attention and calm atmosphere, that is why teenagers often prefer a computer instead of a book.
However, there are numerous people who consider that fiction literature is still popular among the adolescents, because these books include lots of wisdom thoughts and important advices which would help teens to solve their difficulties.
Nevertheless, though this argument is not groundless, those, who consider that this kind of books is important for modern teenagers are simply fail to understand that all these information a child can get from the Internet, movies and videogames.
In conclusion, even though I totally respect the opposite view, I genuinely believe that fiction books are becoming less important for modern teenagers. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): yldiesperova Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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