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Is reading fiction is waste of time? Reading fiction is becoming less and less important for teenagers (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Reading has always been playing a very important part in teenagers’ lives. Some people believe youngsters are not interested in reading fiction anymore, while others have different point of view.

To my mind, it is not true that fiction is not attractive for teenagers. It is the kind of a book that entertain youngsters. Firstly, they like reading fiction because it develops the imagination and broadens their minds. Although fiction is simply to read and it does not require attention and concentration, it improves their mental skills. Moreover, reading fiction is still attractive and important for teenagers because this type of books has an intriguing plot, so they never get bored reading it. They get a rest and forget about all problems.

However, some people believe that youngsters do not pay attention to fiction anymore because all books of its kind are the same.

As a rule, they have poor construction and boring narrative style.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this statement. According to facts, every fiction book has its unique plot, that is the main reason why it still attracts young readers. In their opinion, everyone can find a fiction book on his personal taste.

To sum up, I would like to emphasize that reading fiction is not becoming less important for teenagers as they are fond of this kind of books and find them entertaining.


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