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«My hometown is Moscow (Мой родной город - Москва)» на английском языке (Школьные сочинения)

My hometown is Moscow. Here I was born, live and study. I can say with confidence that you will never find a better city on the entire planet Earth.

Moscow was founded in 1147, is located in almost the center of Europe and is the capital of Russia. Moscow, as a megalopolis, is very densely populated. Many tourists around the world come to this city to see its attractions.

What is the attraction of my city? There is a variety of architecture, the city is filled with museums and various galleries. Moscow is home to the state Tretyakov gallery, the State historical Museum, the Pushkin state Museum of fine arts, St. Basil's Cathedral, the Moscow Kremlin, the State literary Museum, the State Museum of Oriental art, The memorial Museum of cosmonautics, the Moscow Museum of modern art, and others.

The city has a huge number of parks. My favorite is Kolomenskoye. The first mention of the settlement dates back to the second quarter of the XIV century. In the XVI century, Basil III and then Ivan IV built churches here that have survived to this day. Kolomenskoye flourished during the reign of Alexey Mikhailovich (1629-1676). Then there were palaces, chambers, and gardens. Later in the country residence lived the young Peter I, who arranged the famous "funny fights" nearby. Later rulers made their own changes to the appearance of the Palace and Park ensemble, many of whose buildings were not lost. In 1923, a Museum was founded on the territory of the estate, which initiated the research and restoration of ancient monuments. The former Royal residence and village near Moscow, and now-the historical, architectural and natural landscape Museum-reserve "Kolomenskoye" always attracts tourists from all over the world. The Museum impresses with its scale, a large number of unique historical and architectural monuments, a rich multidisciplinary collection of artifacts, and the beauty of the surrounding nature. In recent years, an ethnographic complex has been formed in Kolomenskoye, including a stable and a blacksmith's shop, the homesteads of a Kolomenskoye peasant and a beekeeper with an apiary, and a water mill. The leading direction of the modern institution is the creation of interactive forms that help to immerse visitors in the historical atmosphere.

Another of my favorite places is the Tverskoy district in the center of Moscow. This is a place with simply fascinating architecture. The aesthetic of the building, executed in a pastel color palette, lonely alleys – all of it the Tver district. There are also several museums located here: the house of A. p. Chekhov, the apartment-Museum of Bulgakov and the house-Museum of the beloved Sergei Yesenin. And they are all not so far from each other.

My city doesn't sleep, it's always on the move. Movement is development, so nothing here stands still and only moves forward. The metro and new shopping centers are being built. New residential areas are being built up. Moreover, the construction takes into account the environmental factor and compactness, so there are underground Parking.

Even from any end of Moscow, you can go in a completely different direction, because there is no place where transport does not go. Even at night, it is not terrible to travel around the city. Even in the dark, there are buses that will take you home.

I love my hometown very much, because my whole life is connected with this metropolis.

A lot of people come to Moscow, and also dream of coming there to realize themselves, their ideas and translate their dreams into reality. Under the lights of this big city, everyone flies like butterflies to the fire. Young people and girls come to study and work. Many people want to become famous and get on TV. Moscow is impossible not to love, because it is able to fulfill dreams.


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