It is difficult to understand people who enjoy extreme sports (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)Nowadays our world is sinking under the deluge of articles devoted to the issue that it is difficult to support people who enjoy extreme sports. Some people think that there is nothing dangerous in extreme sports. To my mind, they are right. Others are sure that extreme sports and hazard go hand in hand. So, in this essay I will try to express my point of view on this issue. Personally, I strongly believe that extreme sport is an essential part of people`s lives. Firstly, people try extreme sports for excitement and getting vivid emotions. Moreover, special sport equipment is good today, so it eliminates the risk and if people do not take things to the edge then extreme sport is rather safe. Nevertheless, not all people share the first point of view on this issue. According to them risky sport is dangerous because of the possibility of injures and fractures. People who take sports are seriously as they take their life to the extreme from day to day. Although the mentioned idea seems sensible for some people, I cannot agree with it. I am sure that lots of teenagers go in for extreme sports nowadays because they want to look daring. It helps to relax and find new friends who share the same passion To sum up, there are two point of view on the issue of understanding people who do extreme sports. I strongly believe that it is easy to understand people who are fond of extreme sports because people do such kinds of sports for pleasure, satisfaction and getting new vivid emotions. 263 words. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Марина Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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