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Sports help to fight stress + письмо about healthy lifestyle (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Sports help to fight stress

Some people think that with the help of doing sport someone can relieve stress. Definitely, not everybody agrees with this opinion. Other people consider that sport cannot help to fight stressful situations.

In my opinion, doing sports cannot help with reliving stress. Firstly, sport is really competitive and everybody wants to win and be the best, if person cannot do this,it leads to stress and sadness. Secondly,almost all kinds of sports can be dangerous for people’s physical and emotional health and people can fear of future injuries, it also leads to stress.

However, many people believe that sport can help to relieve stress. They think that doing sports improve people’s mood and health, especially when people do sports in a group.

People can manage with stressful situations because they communicate with others while they do sports, it is the best way of fighting stress.

I cannot agree with the above mentioned opinion. I consider that sport only can make bad mood because people start tired of doing exercises, they sweat, other people can bother their communication , all it irritates people and leads to stress.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that sport cannot help to fight stress.




Dear Olivia,

Thank you for your recent letter. It was great to hear from you again!

In your letter you asked me about healthy lifestyle. In my opinion, eating healthy food and doing sports are the most efficient ways to lose weight. I think that many people try to follow a healthy lifestyle because they want to keep fit,be healthy and, nowadays, this kind of lifestyle is trendy. If I choose a healthy lifestyle as my goal, family’s support is not important for me because I think that I can follow this lifestyle without support.

So, what about your cousin? What’s the name of your cousin? How old is your cousin? How does your cousin look like?

Take care and keep in touch!

Best wishes,



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