Studying online is more interesting than studying at the school (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)Nowadays students have a choice when they choose their way of studying. Some people are sure that studying online is entertaining t, useful and convenient than traditional studies. Other people are sure that studying offline is more entertaining and useful than studying online. In my opinion, studying online is not interesting. Studying at school is more entertaining. Firstly, studying at school give you opportunity to communicate with people face to face that more important and interesting than communicate with monitor. Secondly, when you study at school you can communicate with your friends, classmates when you have a break. If you study online you do not have opportunity to communicate with your classmate and have a fun with them during your break. It lead to that you stop have contacts offline and stop communicate. Other people are sure that studying online gives you opportunity to study with fun. You can study by playing computer games. This way of studying is more interesting than studying at school. I cannot agree with this opinion. Studying by play is a popular way of method of teaching children at school but more interesting than studying by playing online because playing with your classmates, teachers and friends offline is more funny and entertaining. Despite the fact that a lot of people believe that studying online is more entertaining than studying at school I believe that offline studying is more interesting. You can communicate with people face to face it is more pleasant. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): ИринаLi Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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