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Summer holidays in the countryside are best for teenager (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

A lot of teenagers are spending their vacations in the country nowadays. Some people think that it is really beneficial for teenagers. Others consider that the youth prefers to stay in the city during holidays.

In my opinion, countryside is indeed a perfect place for students to spend their vacations. Firstly, a person can be close to nature in the countryside and admire its beauty. The air is fresh and clean without any dangerous fumes from cars and other vehicles. Secondly, the life outside the city is more peaceful, it is quiet and calm in the country. Such atmosphere may help a youngster to become less stressful and rest from the fast-moving life in the city.

However, other people believe that adolescents should stay in the city during vacations.

Modern teenagers are so accustomed to living in big cities and having all the conveniences, such as hot water and the Internet, that they will feel uncomfortable in the country.

I cannot agree with the above opinion as sometimes it is helpful for the youth to rest from some things they are accustomed to. What is more, most houses in the country are rather modern and have all the necessary conveniences.

Taking everything into consideration, there are two points of view on the problem of the countryside being the best place for teenagers’ holidays. I strongly believe that it is perfect for a youngster to spend his/her vacations in the country.


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