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Just as teachers assess their students, so students should assess teachers (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Teachers are the people who influence not only students’ knowledge, but also their personality. Some people think that it is an attractive idea for children to assess their teachers’ work. Others believe that estimation should be only done by the ones who teach.

In my opinion, giving pupils an opportunity to estimate their teachers’ work is rather beneficial. Firstly, it can improve how schoolmasters work. By asking for feedback from students, teachers may realize what is not perfect in their work and they can improve it, so that the lessons will be more productive. Secondly, when the teachers’ work is estimated by students, it is easier for the employer to see who perform and teach better. Thus, the staff becomes more professional.

However, other people believe that children should not be given the opportunity to assess teachers.

Most of them will estimate not the quality of education and the amount of knowledge the teacher conveys, but some personal qualities. Thus, such kind of assessment will not be clear and fair.

I cannot agree with the above opinion as high-school students realize that the most important quality for a teacher is the ability to convey information to students, so that everyone understands. What is more, some personal qualities are of great importance too as schoolmasters teach children many important things that are not connected to school subjects.

Taking everything into consideration, there are two points of view on the problem of giving children the opportunity to assess their teachers. I strongly believe it is a great idea that should be considered by schools.


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