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Эссе по английскому про подругу. Short message. Spotlight 10-11 классы culture corner 1 Ex.5 p.21 про стиль в одежде тинейджеров в России (Школьные сочинения)


Sarah and I met on the first day of high school. I was walking down the hall when I firstly saw her and she saw me. She said «Hi» and we acquainted and began talking.

Sarah is a good-looking girl in her late teens. She is tall, medium build and usually wears her shoulder-length brown hair in a ponytail. She has grey eyes and her face is white. She wears ordinary but nice clothes.

Sarah has a foggy personality.

She is closed a little. I can’t read her because she can change mood easy. Sometimes I can’t understand her. She can also be in a bad mood not so rarely. Sometimes she don't want to talk with me or anyone else.

She may look modest but she is talking things that society considers as indecent ones. She likes to have time with friends.

Sarah is one of my friends. I like to talk with her sometimes. We have a normal relationship.

Ex.5 p.21

Teenagers in Russia like to dress fashionably. They try to wear expensive and stylish clothes. Most popular element of clothes is jeans. Teenagers in my country wear this all seasons. They buy clothes everywhere, but mostly in shopping centers, markets, little shops and almost never in second-hand shops. They can spend different amount of money, but many of them don’t save money.

Short message.

Dear grandmother,

I want to say thanks for your present. Towels are cool and their color is beautiful. The new fashionable shoes fits me perfect.




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