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Recycling is now an essential measure: it is for everyone in society to become more responsible towards the environment (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays reprocess is very important for our planet, so everyone should become answerable for their actions. As for me, I am sure that nowadays recycling is no more a choice. It has become a necessity.

To begin with I want to remind that we are not alone on the Earth. Our children, animals, birds and plants live and will live there as well. That is why several people agreed for a heavy fine to be imposed on people who fail to recycle glass and paper. Moreover, I support the suggestion of having a new tax on non-returnable bottles. For example, in Russia in 2019 new articles were approved for laws, according to which enterprises that produce non-processed products are forced to pay more taxes than environmentally friendly companies.

Nevertheless, I am considered that, unfortunately, the government doesn’t do enough for recycling to be convenient.

Someone claimed that if we were given separate containers, recycling would have become easier. While other maintained that there is no need to recycle anything. In this case, Germany is the best example. Each yard has special containers: black for plastic, green for organics, blue for paper.

To sum up, I want to say that we should remember that someday it may be too late to have a relaxed approach to the protection of the environment. I respect Petra Kelly’s phrase: “If our generation does not do the impossible, the inconceivable awaits us”.


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