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Personality character accentuation (Сочинение на свободную тему)

A person has individual characteristics of character. Throughout his life, he is forced to choose not only between good and evil, but also between the manifestation of his positive and negative character traits. It is difficult for a person to cope with the negative side of accentuation, if it is strongly expressed. This can make it difficult for them to adapt to stress and society, as well as affect their mental health.

I want to analyze, for example, the psychasthenic type. In part this type is similar to people with a phlegmatic temperament. The dominant traits are indecision, timidity, shyness, and anxious suspicion. This type is constantly worried about their loved ones and the future. He is constantly engaged in thinking, almost does not move to action. Sometimes there are obsessive thoughts and even neuroses.

Among the attractive traits of the character are conscientiousness, accuracy, seriousness and reliability. Among the repulsive traits of the character are indecision, lack of enterprise, a tendency to endless reasoning. Such people are very useful in their work. They will always perform everything efficiently and on time. He is afraid of making a mistake and upsetting or hurting someone. In friendship such a person is very reliable and attentive.

Recommendations for communicating with a person of this type of accentuation are to avoid appeals to a sense of responsibility and the need for quick decision-making. This can only worsen the person's condition. Never make fun of an accentuant. Try to support their initiative and create a trusting relationship. Then you can help people adapt to the environment and show all their positive qualities.

And remember: accentuation is not a bad thing, it is just a feature of a person's character that makes them unique and interesting to you.


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