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Реферирование по английскому языку «Men and Women: No Big Difference» (Сочинение на свободную тему)

The article I’m going to give a review of is taken from the site the American Psychological Association. The headline of the article is «Men and Women: No Big Difference». It is written by employees of the American Psychological Association. The article under discussion was published in 2005, but this topic is still relevant.

The topic of the article is gender differences between men and women.

The key issue in the article is the study of gender differences and the desire to understand: do they really exist between people. It was also studied whether the sex of a person affects the personality, the process of cognition and leadership, including behavior.

The article under discussion is partly devoted to the problem sexism. I’d like to mention briefly that many people believe that men and women are very different and cannot always understand each other.

But this becomes the reason only for new disputes and insults. Therefore, the problem is acute and worries modern society.

The article under discussion may be divided into several logically connected parts which are true and myths about gender differences, overcoming prejudice and unequal treatment.

The story begins with the description of view of Janet Hyde that men and women are similar in psychological traits and abilities. In addition, it is indicated that gender differences depend on the context of the situation, namely the influence of the gender role, society and the age of the subject. The rest of the article talks about imposed gender roles that can break a person’s true character and confront his preferences and even abilities.

The article provides several studies. For example, in one of the experiments it turned out that women are more aggressive than men. This did not correspond to the usual notions. Another example is quarrels between people of the opposite sex. They could have been avoided if the partners had spoken, and not been hiding behind the inability to understand each other. Another example is the stereotyped thinking that girls are less skilled in math. The article emphasizes that the lack of faith of parents and teachers can adversely affect the mathematical abilities of girls.

The article concludes that men and women are mostly similar, and belief in significant gender differences, which are considered weaknesses of a certain group of people, can harm people.

To emphasize that physical differences are not decisive in a person’s characteristics, the article indicates that biological and environmental variables interact and influence each other.

I completely agree with the information in the article. I believe that people of both sexes have the same cognitive abilities. A person’s character consists of personal inclinations (including temperament), parenting, social influence and much more. Of course, one can explain the increased aggression by the influence of male hormones. However, only a person decides how to manifest it.


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