It's reported that billions of dollars are spent on space exploration projects every year. Some people believe that this money should be used to solve problems on Earth 2020 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)In up-to-date world the issue of exploring space is very wide spread and a lot of money are spent on it every year. Some people are sure that it would be better if so much money were spent on solving problems on the Earth, while others do not agree. In my opinion, it is really worth spending such large amount of money on space exploration instead of figuring out problems on Earth. To begin with, there can be numerous unknown materials in space that can be useful in medicine and different sciences. Moreover, astronauts can find one more planet like Earth which is appropriate for living. Finally, people who explore space may find a living organisms what will be a breakthrough for all humanity. However, there is another point of view and certain people are convinced that billions of dollars for exploring the space should be spent on solving the problems on Earth. In their view, there a lot of ecological problems what threat peoples' lifes. Besides, many people just do not believe that space exists. Despite my respect for this opinion, i cannot share it. Firstly, space exploration can improve ecological situation by getting new knowledge in such spheres as physic and chemistry. What is more, existence of space is proven by many photos and videos and it is very fool to believe that space is fraud. To sum up, i would like to say that so much money are spent on space exploration projects reasonably. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): sssssolovova Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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