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40.2 The best way to improve health is to exercise daily (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about their health. There are those who say that it is enough to do daily physical activity to be healthy, but some people are convinced that it is not enough. Now I would like to express my point of view on this issue.

In my experience, doing only exercises will not help people become healthy. To begin with, except for sport it is necessary to eat right. Even if people exercise daily but eat junk food, they will improve the state of health. Nutrition builds our body and directly affect it. That is why I think that healthy eating habits are more important than exercises. Furthermore, one should not forget that incorrectly performed exercises can lead to injures or complications.

It is essential to do sport with a trainer to do no harm to yourself. Moreover, heavy metal equipment brings more harm than benefit for our body and health.

Nevertheless, let us consider this problem from another angle. It is no secret that people need constant movements. It directly influences our physical health: helps our muscles stay in shape and our organs work correctly.

This argument does not seem convincing to me, I claim that daily walkings have more benefits than exercises because in this case people breathe clean air and receive some vitamins from sun. Besides their bodies do not strain a lot.

In summary, I believe that exercises have a lot of benefits for our health, but it is necessary not to forget about nutrition and do not bring harm your body.


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