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Studying online is more interesting than studying in school (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

12 из 14
Оценка эксперта внизу

Studying online has become necessary nowadays. Some people think online education is more fascinating compared to learning in class while others disagree with this statement.

In my opinion, studying at school is more interesting. Firstly,at school pupils communicate to each other, they can joke and laugh. These things are impossible when you study online at home. Secondly, school teachers often tell some funny stories making students get involved in learning process. They also give to them engrossing lectures. Studying online, we can communicate only with computer.

Nevertheless, others are sure online education has more funnier because there are many educational platforms, interactive courses which make the learning process more funny and allow pupils be distracted less often.

There is some truth in what they say.

However, people who think so underestimate the role of classroom atmosphere because this is what makes learning interesting. All these e-educational opportunities cannot change live communication with classmates. Besides, studying online is tiring and pupils get exhausted of learning like that, they stop doing homework. It is not fine.

In conclusion, I can say studying at school is more interesting for students than studying online. Students need to learn together to enjoy this process.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 - содержание. 3

К2 - организация. 3

К3 - лексика. 2

частое употребление слова pupils, нет аналога к нему.

more funny(funnier)

opportunities cannot change live communication (substitute)

К4 - грамматика. 2

give to them(give them)

online education has more funnier (is)

online education has more funnier (funnier без more)

allow pupils be(to be)

К5 - орфография и пунктуация. 2

Studying online, we can communicate only with computer.(запятая не нужна)

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