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Technical progress is always harmful for the environment.Вербицкая в.6 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Technical progress is always harmful for the environment.

Nowadays people are increasingly thinking about the safety of the environment. Some people believe that technical progress is always harmful for the environment, whereas others disagree with them.

In my opinion, technical progress is not always harmful. Firstly, due to technical progress, we have less harmful for the environment cars, which works on electric engines. It helps us to pollute nature less. Secondly, nowadays people can get energy for different safe sources, such as solar panels, hydroelectric power stations, windmills.

However, some people are convinced that technical progress is always harmful for the environment. To prove their words they say that even modern factories pollute the air and rivers.

Moreover, they believe that technical progress requires a great number of natural resources.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with the opposite opinion, because I think that a large number of factories slightly pollute nature. In addition, because of technological progress, we can recycle the garbage in special plants. Moreover, some natural recourses can be recreated now.

To sum up, undoubtedly, technical progress not always safe for the environment, but modern technologies help us to reduce the negative impact of this on our nature. So, I believe that technical progress is not always harmful for the environment.


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