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«raditional school textbooks should be replaced by e-books (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

10 из 14
Оценка эксперта внизу

People often have different preferences, so it is natural that some of them consider using e-books the most convenient device for studying, whereas other prefer traditional textbooks. In this essay I will try to look upon this issue.

Personally I think that e-books is going to replace textbooks very soon. Firstly, one electronic device is able to keep all necessary books inside, so pupils waste less time for preparing school supplies. Secondly, it is good for fast search. All students need is to type the page, and teacher should not wait for them finding the topic. Thirdly, textbooks are made from trees, therefore using e-books helps to protect the environment and its greenery.

However, there are some people who think, that textbooks should exist in schools. They sure, that e-books are not so harmful for pupils eyes, unlike paper books. Also, gadgets need regular charging, and some irresponsible students may forget about it and will not have an opportunity for studying.

This could have a negative impact on their success rate.

I cannot agree with this opinion, because nowadays people pay more attention to usability and ecology of things, that is why electronic books are better for this purpose.

Anyway, despite the fact that I still use some paper books for studying, I am definitely convinced that over time they become absolutely unnecessary because of plenty disadvantages.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 - содержание.Хорошо подобраны аргументы.

К2 - организация.Эссе построено логически верно.

К3 - лексика.Имеются лексические ошибки. Например:

ecology of things(?)

К4 - грамматика.Имеются грамматические ошибки. Например:

e-books is going(books ARE)

plenty disadvantages(plenty OF)

К5 - орфография и пунктуация.


Personally I think(нет запятой после вводной конструкции)

who think, that(запятая не ставится)

I cannot agree with this opinion, because(Запятая перед because не ставится)


В целом:

К1 - 3

К2 - 3

К3 - 2

К4 - 2

К5 - 0

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