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Summer holidays in the country are best for teenagers (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Summer season is the most desirable time and it is important for the youth to spend it wisely and to have fun. Some people believe that spending summer holidays in the country is a great way for adolescents to follow but there are opponents to this view.

In my opinion, teenagers should spend summer time in the countryside. Firstly, there is a big chance to have a break from technologies, gadgets and noise. There is a weak Internet connection in the village and less distracting sounds than in the city, that is why youngsters will be able to have a rest from screens and smartphones. Secondly, spending time away from cities affects teenagers’ health. In other words, due to lack of factories, shopping centers and cars it is possible to be close to nature, to breath fresh air and enjoy animals and greens.

Thus, such holidays will do health good, reduce tension and relieve stress which is so essential after the school year.

However, other people claim that staying in the city for summer is best decision, because adolescents tend to enjoy themselves in amusement parks, shopping centers or in cafes while villages do not involve such attractions.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with the above stated argument, because there are also a lot of ways for the youth to entertain themselves in the country, for example, go fishing, picking mushrooms and berries, swimming in the lake.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that countryside is a great place for teenagers to spend summer holidays.


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