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Project work 4. Write about your hobby or a hobby you would like to have. Illustrate your story with pictures (Школьные сочинения)

ГДЗ по английскому языку; Rainbow English; 5-й класс; Unit 4; Step 10; упр. 8; стр. 46.

Вариант ответа №1

My hobby

I have many hobbies, and I would like to say a few words about my favourite – reading.

I learned to read when I was three years old. My father gave me a simple children's book about animals. The book was colourful and I found it very interesting. After reading that first book I started reading more and more books.

Now I read every day.

I like reading books about sport, cars, nature, computers, robots, professions. I also read newspapers and magazines. I usually buy books in the shops, but it is very comfortable for me to read books on the Internet too.

I keep a diary of what I read. I often speak with my friends about books and about what we read. I think that reading gives me a lot of new information, makes my memory better and my life brighter. I hope that reading will help me get better marks at school.

Reading is a wonderful pastime and I am happy that it is my hobby.

Вариант ответа №2

A hobby I would like to have

I like to listen to music in my free time and watch different concerts on television. I am also very much interested in reading books about famous signers and musicians and their musical instruments. I find many musical instruments pleasant, but my favourite is the guitar. So, a few days ago I decided to take up guitar lessons because I want to be able to play that wonderful musical instrument.

With my parents' help I chose a small cosy guitar school in my town. I will start my guitar lessons at the end of June. My parents promised to buy me a good guitar and some useful books about guitars for my classes. They also say that my guitar lessons will take a lot of time and effort. But I am not afraid of that and ready to start.

I think that this hobby will let me do better at my Music lessons at school and become a more creative and interesting person. I dream of inviting my friends, classmates and relatives to my place and playing their favourite songs on my guitar for them.


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